My excuse would have been the 2 pitchers of Mimosas I had that afternoon, which I had conveniently forgot about. Sara did not have such an excuse. We'll just chalk it up to general clumsiness and a dash of oblivion. After a perfectly delightful evening of chatting and light imbibing it was time to vacate our pleasantly prohibition-esque environment and call it a night. Sara had already tipped her glass over and deposited a small puddle of beer on the table. That was one. Two was four minutes later, when she knocked the salt shaker off the table. She was about to carelessly continue to put her jacket on and leave, when I said she should root around under our table and fetch the shaker. Then like any self respecting superstition non-believer, she should toss some salt over her left shoulder. I think I suggested this asinine behaviour because of something my friend, let's call her Katie, said to me the day before. We were sitting in a cafe, and I had just pulled apart the scone I had chosen for breakfast. As I loaded my knife with the butter I planned on covering my scone with, Katie very casually said:
K: "Using a knife on on Chinese New Year is bad luck."
Me: blinking . . . .then putting knife down. "Oh yeah?"
K: " Families often prep their food the day before, because using a knife on the day cuts your luck in half for the coming year."
Me: picking knife up and continuing to butter my scone.
Ladies and gentlemen, my friend Katie. *applause* She couldn't have either said this before I used the knife, she couldn't have just not said anything. No, she chose to tell me mid-slather. So with this recent conversation in the back of my head, I suggested to Sara (before it was too late) to use preventative measures with her salt. She poured a small amount into her palm and tossed it gracefully over her shoulder. The salt then proceeded to gracefully rain on the girl sitting directly behind her, as well happily sail into her date's eye.
Lesson learned.
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